
Friday, October 26, 2012


Do you think about me before you go to sleep?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Who am I ?

Who am I? That is a simple question, yet it is one without a simple answer. I am many things—and I am one thing. But I am not a thing that is just lying around somewhere, like a pen, or a toaster. That is for sure. I am much more than that. I am a living, breathing thing, a thing that can draw with a pen and toast with a toaster, who is sitting on a couch eating toast. And still, I am much more.

I am she and I am her. I am this and I am that. And I am, from time to time.

I am everything and I am nothing. I am just kidding; I am not everything and nothing. That would be ridiculous. I am just everything.

I am what I eat. And I am this especially when I bite my nails.
I have been called Hey, You! and Get Out of the Way! and Look Out! And then, some time later, Plaintiff.

I am my own worst critic. I am going to give you an example. “That’s not me enough” is the kind of thing I am prone to say about myself. See what I mean? I am sure you do.

I am the silent majority.
I am a loud minority.

I am not talking about Puerto Ricans when I say that, because I am not a racist. I am just clearing that up. In fact, I am pretty sure I have at least one friend from each of the races (Hi, Guillermo).
I am friend. I am foe. I am fo’ sho’. What up, y’all?
I am sorry about that. I was just talking to one of my race friends, a black one. I am white and I am black. And I am both of these when I am dressed as a mime. And then I am sh-h-h.

I am bravery. I am courage. I am valor. I am daring. I am holding a thesaurus.
I am the sun. I am the moon. I am the rain, I am the earth. .
I am sometimes referred to as Excuse Me in an annoyed tone of voice, because apparently I am in the way. I am so sorry. I am supposed to be some sort of mind reader, I guess. I am moving out of the way now as slowly as I possibly can. I am doing this and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Tulisan 1 || Siapa Saya ?

Saya bukan siapa-siapa, yang jelas saya bukan kamu, dan kamu bukan saya hahaha Just Kidding

saya adalah…
Orang yang sedang belajar.
Ya belajar. Belajar banyak tentang segala hal dalam kehidupan ini.
Saya adalah pembelajar.
Saya lahir di sebuah kota kecil di Jawa Barat, tepatnya di kota Sukabumi, 31 Agustus 1994.
Saya anak pertama dari pasangan  Yayat Kusdrajat (1966)  dan  Mila Hilmiaty (1972).
Saya mempunyai satu orang adik perempuan bernama SIlvya Marwah  (2000).
Saat ini sedang menikmati asyiknya jadi mahasiswa semester 1 di School of  Accounting, Gunadarma University, Depok.
Saya bukan tipe mahasiswa gaul yang suka bergenk di kelas dan  melihat pakaian orang dari atas sampai bawah dengan tatapan mata yang WOW haha.
Saya lebih suka bermain bersama teman sekedar belajar  dan nonton film bareng atau  sekedar saling curhat  hihi.
Saya menempuh pendidikan di          :
·        TKI Al-Azhar
·         SDN Dewi Sartika Cipta Bina Mandiri
·         SMP Negeri 1 kota Sukabumi
·         SMA Negeri 3 kota Sukabumi
·         Universitas Gunadarma

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

why do you make me cry baby?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Maybe I love you, maybe I fear you
I fear whom I love, I love whom I fear
And my heart beats faster

I wish you never left the temple

I wish I never traced your picture
But here you are

This love leads to death

As the morning turns to night
The pain in my heart increases

love leads and heart follows

Wherever I go there you go
but I wish you'll just go

The day shall come when all my pain is gone

yet you, too, shall be gone
from my side

Is there no way for you to be mortal

But that I, too, shall live my years
and we shall be together?